Building the Chicken Coop Stage 1

Here is the basic outline of my chicken coop making.
I have dug trenches 300mm deep, placed chicken wire around the trenches with a 450mm skirt overlapping outwards to be a guard against foxes and vermin.

As you can see, I placed bricks in the trench to act as ballast to hold the wire in place. Then I put the vertical wire across the span and tucked about 150mm of wire under the bricks. Onto this I poured concrete and mixed it so that there was coverage across all the bricks.

As you can see, it looks pretty sturdy and I hope it is strong enough to hold out foxes.

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It is a really pleasant spot for the chooks, about thirty metres out from the house and under tall trees so there is no huge heat during summer. Christmas Hampers.

Here's a view with the large Kentia I planted four years ago.


  1. Here's an update - so far so good with the chicken coop, the perimeter had not been breached as yet...
    very safe and sturdy.

  2. Here's a handy link for keeping chickens in the Newcastle Area
